@misc{groth_contact_activation_1997, author={Groth, T., Synowitz, J., Malsch, G., Richau, K., Albrecht, W., Lange, K.-P., Paul, D.}, title={Contact activation of plasmatic coagulation on polymeric membranes measured by the activity of kallikrein in heparinized plasma}, year={1997}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Groth, T.; Synowitz, J.; Malsch, G.; Richau, K.; Albrecht, W.; Lange, K.; Paul, D.: Contact activation of plasmatic coagulation on polymeric membranes measured by the activity of kallikrein in heparinized plasma. Journal of Biomaterials Science - Polymer Edition. 1997. vol. 8, no. 10, 797-807.}}