@misc{lang_data_interpretation_1989, author={Lang, G., Schubert, R., Markofsky, M., Fanger, H.-U., Grabemann, I., Krasemann, H. L., Neumann, L. J. R., Riethmueller, R.}, title={Data interpretation and numerical modelling of the mud and suspended sediment experiment (MASEX) in 1985}, year={1989}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Lang, G.; Schubert, R.; Markofsky, M.; Fanger, H.; Grabemann, I.; Krasemann, H.; Neumann, L.; Riethmueller, R.: Data interpretation and numerical modelling of the mud and suspended sediment experiment (MASEX) in 1985. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1989. vol. 94, no. C 10, 14,381-14,393.}}