@misc{prange_investigations_of_1990, author={Prange, A., Fanger, H.-U., Niedergesaess, R.}, title={Investigations of trace element variations in the Elbe estuary using TXRF and INAA}, year={1990}, howpublished = {GKSS report}, note = {Prange, A.; Fanger, H.; Niedergesaess, R.: Investigations of trace element variations in the Elbe estuary using TXRF and INAA. In: Beyer, M.; Petzold, S.; Prange, A.; Wilken, R. (Ed.): 3. Magdeburger Gewaesserschutzseminar: Zur Belastung der Elbe; Tagungsbericht. Magdeburg (D). 1990. 305.}}