@misc{goers_laser_remote_1997, author={Goers, U.-B., Glauer, J., Koehler, S., Weitkamp, C.}, title={Laser Remote Sensing of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Tuloene, Ozone, and Dust in the Industrial Region of Cubatao (Brazil)}, year={1997}, howpublished = {book part}, note = {Goers, U.; Glauer, J.; Koehler, S.; Weitkamp, C.: Laser Remote Sensing of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Tuloene, Ozone, and Dust in the Industrial Region of Cubatao (Brazil). In: Klockow, D.; Targa, H.; Vautz, W. (Ed.): Air Pollution and Vegetation Damage in the Tropics - the Serra do Mar as an Example. Geesthacht: GKSS-Forschungszentrum. 1997. III-35.}}