@misc{taraschewski_ftir_investigation_2002, author={Taraschewski, M., Kessler, T., Schultze, M., Tuckermann, R., Neidhart, B., Cammenga, H.K., Bauerecker, S.}, title={FTIR investigation of H2O-, CO2- and binary H2O/CO2-nanoparticles in a collisional cooling cell}, year={2002}, howpublished = {conference poster: Ventura, CA (USA);}, note = {Taraschewski, M.; Kessler, T.; Schultze, M.; Tuckermann, R.; Neidhart, B.; Cammenga, H.; Bauerecker, S.: FTIR investigation of H2O-, CO2- and binary H2O/CO2-nanoparticles in a collisional cooling cell. In: Gordon Conference: Molecular and Ionic Clusters. Ventura, CA (USA). 2002.}}