@misc{wyatt_validation_and_2003, author={Wyatt, L.R., Green, J.J., Gurgel, K.-W., Nieto Borge, J.C., Reichert, K., Hessner, K., Guenther, H., Rosenthal, W., Saetra, O., Reistad, M.}, title={Validation and intercomparisons of wave measurements and models during the EuroROSE experiments}, year={2003}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Wyatt, L.; Green, J.; Gurgel, K.; Nieto Borge, J.; Reichert, K.; Hessner, K.; Guenther, H.; Rosenthal, W.; Saetra, O.; Reistad, M.: Validation and intercomparisons of wave measurements and models during the EuroROSE experiments. Coastal Engineering. 2003. vol. 48, 1-28.}}