@misc{kumpugdee_neutron_and_2002, author={Kumpugdee, M., Andrae, J., Funari, S.S., Hauss, T., Willumeit, R.}, title={Neutron and Synchroton Scattering Techniques used to Investigate a Peptide Incorporated in a Phospholipid Membrane}, year={2002}, howpublished = {conference poster: Berlin (D);}, note = {Kumpugdee, M.; Andrae, J.; Funari, S.; Hauss, T.; Willumeit, R.: Neutron and Synchroton Scattering Techniques used to Investigate a Peptide Incorporated in a Phospholipid Membrane. In: DPhG-Jahrestagung 2002. Berlin (D). 2002.}}