@misc{lechner_structural_and_2002, author={Lechner, R.T., Schuelli, T., Springholz, G., Lott, D., Schreyer, A., Krenn, H., Clemens, H., Bauer, G.}, title={Structural and magnetic properties of EuSe/PbTe and EuSe/EuTe superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy}, year={2002}, howpublished = {conference poster: Boston, MA (USA);}, note = {Lechner, R.; Schuelli, T.; Springholz, G.; Lott, D.; Schreyer, A.; Krenn, H.; Clemens, H.; Bauer, G.: Structural and magnetic properties of EuSe/PbTe and EuSe/EuTe superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy. In: MRS Fall Meeting 2002. Boston, MA (USA). 2002.}}