@misc{das_mercury_polychlorobiphenyls_2005, author={Das, K., Lepoint, G., Fonfara, S., Thome, J.-P., Siebert, U.}, title={Mercury, polychlorobiphenyls and stable isotops in the blood of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from the southern North Sea}, year={2005}, howpublished = {conference poster: San Diego, CA (USA);}, note = {Das, K.; Lepoint, G.; Fonfara, S.; Thome, J.; Siebert, U.: Mercury, polychlorobiphenyls and stable isotops in the blood of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from the southern North Sea. In: 16th Biennal Conference on the Biology of marine Mammals. San Diego, CA (USA). 2005.}}