%0 journal article %@ 0006-3029 %A Timchenko, A.A., Shiryaev, V.M., Fedorova, Y.Y., Kihara, H., Kimura, K., Willumeit, R., Haramus, V., Selivanova, O.M. %D 2007 %J Biofizika %N 2 %P 216-222 %T Konformacija Ribosomnogo Belka S1 iz Thermus Thermophilus v Rastvore pri Raznych Ionnych Uslovijach %U 2 %X heavy water at 100 mM NaCl revealed markedly elongated associates. The translational diffusion coefficient calculated for S1 at 100 mM NaCl from dynamic light scattering was markedly lower than the one expected for its globular monomer (D20,w = (2.7 ± 0.1)⋅10–7 versus (5.8–6.0)⋅10–7 cm2 s–1), confirming protein association under equilibrium conditions.