%0 journal article %@ 0935-9648 %A Kumar, U.N., Kratz, K., Heuchel, M., Behl, M., Lendlein, A. %D 2011 %J Advanced Materials %N 36 %P 4157-4162 %R doi:10.1002/adma.201102251 %T Shape-Memory Nanocomposites with Magnetically Adjustable Apparent Switching Temperatures %U https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201102251 36 %X The apparent switching temperatures (Tsw,app), which need to be exceeded by the environmental temperature (Tenv) to initialize a shape-memory effect (SME) in magnetosensitive dual- or triple-shape composites, are systematically adjusted by application of a constant weak alternating magnetic field. This adaptation of Tsw,app is fully reversible and results from the combination of environmental and inductive heating.