%0 journal article %@ 1742-6588 %A Samoylenko, S.A., Kichanov, S.E., Kozlenko, D.P., Belushkin, A.V., Haramus, V.M., Trusova, E.A., Shevchenko, G.P., Gurin, V.S., Bulavin, L.A., Rakhmanov, S.K., Savenko, B.N. %D 2012 %J Journal of Physics: Conference Series %N 1 %P 012017 %R doi:10.1088/1742-6596/351/1/012017 %T The studies of nanoparticles formed in silicate glasses doped by cerium and titanium oxides by means of small angle neutron scattering %U https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/351/1/012017 1 %X The structure aspect of Ti-Ce-O nanoparticles, which is forming in silicate glasses doped by TiO2 and CeO2 oxides have been studied by means of a small angle neutron scattering. It was found, the complex oxide nanoparticles forms in these glasses in sizes range 30-38 nm and its average sizes depends on initial oxides concentration ratio. The correlation between nanoparticles structure features and silica glasses optical properties are discussed.