@misc{stanev_sediment_dynamics_2012, author={Stanev, E.V., Kandilarov, R.}, title={Sediment dynamics in the Black Sea: numerical modelling and remote sensing observations}, year={2012}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-012-0520-1}, abstract = {with the specific shape of Black Sea topography, and the largest depositions are observed in the area of continental slope.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-012-0520-1} (DOI). Stanev, E.; Kandilarov, R.: Sediment dynamics in the Black Sea: numerical modelling and remote sensing observations. Ocean Dynamics. 2012. vol. 62, no. 4, 533-553. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-012-0520-1}}