%0 journal article %@ 1742-9994 %A Borges, L.M.S., Merckelbach, L.M., Sampaio, I., Cragg, S.M. %D 2014 %J Frontiers in Zoology %P 13 %R doi:10.1186/1742-9994-11-13 %T Diversity, environmental requirements, and biogeography of bivalve wood-borers (Teredinidae) in European coastal waters %U https://doi.org/10.1186/1742-9994-11-13 %X A total of nine teredinid species were found established in European coastal waters. Seven were considered cryptogenic, of unknown origin, and two were considered alien species. Teredo navalis and Nototeredo norvagica were the species with the widest distribution in European waters. Recently, T. navalis has been reported occurring further east in the Baltic Sea but it was not found at a number of sites on the Atlantic coast of southern Europe. The Atlantic lineage of Lyrodus pedicellatus was the dominant teredinid in the southern Atlantic coast of Europe. In the Mediterranean six teredinid species occurred in sympatry, whereas only three of these occurred in the Black Sea. The species that pose the greatest hazard to wooden maritime structures in European coastal areas are T. navalis and the two lineages of L. pedicellatus.