@misc{huenicke_holocene_climate_2014, author={Huenicke, B., Zorita, E., Haeseler, S.}, title={Holocene climate simulations for the Baltic Sea Region - application for sea level and verification of proxy data}, year={2014}, howpublished = {report part}, note = {Huenicke, B.; Zorita, E.; Haeseler, S.: Holocene climate simulations for the Baltic Sea Region - application for sea level and verification of proxy data. In: Harff, J.; Lueth, F. (Ed.): SINCOS II – Sinking Coasts. Geosphere, Ecosphere and Anthroposphere of the Holocene Southern Baltic Sea - Bericht der Roemisch-Germanischen Kommission (2011). Frankfurt / M: Philipp von Zabern GmbH. 2014. 211-249.}}