@misc{matuschewski_pilot_tests_2012, author={Matuschewski, H., Schedler, U., Notzke, H., Wolff, T., Brinkmann, T., Schiffmann, P., Repke, J.-U.}, title={Pilot Tests in Organophilic Pervaporation: Membrane, Module and Simulation – An Overall Concept}, year={2012}, howpublished = {conference paper: Aachen (D);}, note = {Matuschewski, H.; Schedler, U.; Notzke, H.; Wolff, T.; Brinkmann, T.; Schiffmann, P.; Repke, J.: Pilot Tests in Organophilic Pervaporation: Membrane, Module and Simulation – An Overall Concept. In: RWTH Aachen (Ed.): 14th Aachener Membran Kolloquium Proceedings. Aachen (D). Aachen: Druckerei und Verlagshaus Mainz. 2012. 219-231.}}