%0 journal article %@ 1932-6203 %A Cecchinato, F., Agha, N.A., Martinez-Sanchez, A.H., Luthringer, B.J.C., Feyerabend, F., Jimbo, R., Willumeit-Roemer, R., Wennerberg, A. %D 2015 %J PLoS One %N 11 %P e0142117 %R doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142117 %T Influence of Magnesium Alloy Degradation on Undifferentiated Human Cells %U https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0142117 11 %X The pH and osmolality of the medium increased with increasing degradation rate and it was found to be most pronounced for Mg4Y3RE alloy. The biological observations showed that HUCPV exhibited a more homogeneous cell growth on Mg alloys compared to high-purity Mg, where they showed a clustered morphology. Moreover, cells exhibited a slightly higher density on Mg2Ag and Mg10Gd in comparison to Mg4Y3RE, due to the lower alkalinisation and osmolality of the incubation medium. However, cells grown on Mg10Gd and Mg4Y3RE generated more developed and healthy cellular structures that allowed them to better adhere to the surface. This can be attributable to a more stable and homogeneous degradation of the outer surface with respect to the incubation time.