%0 journal article %@ 2212-0955 %A Bechtel, B., Alexander, P.J., Beck, C., Boehner, J., Brousse, O., Ching, J., Dermuzere, M., Fonte, C., Gal, T., Hidalgo, J., Hoffmann, P., Middel, A., Mills, G., Ren, C., See, L., Sismanidis, P., Verdonck, M.-L., Xu, G., Xu, Y. %D 2019 %J Urban Climate %P 24-45 %R doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2018.10.001 %T Generating WUDAPT Level 0 data – Current status of production and evaluation %U https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2018.10.001 %X The acceptable level of quality needed will depend heavily on the application of the data. However, initial modelling studies that use the level 0 products as inputs showed improved performance in simulating the urban climate when replacing the default surface descriptions with the WUDAPT level 0 data. This is also promising for the application of level 0 data in regional and global climate and weather models and supports the assumption that the current level 0 products are already of sufficient quality for certain applications. Moreover, there are various ongoing developments to improve the methods used to produce LCZ maps and their accuracy.