@misc{kashaev_laser_processing_2018, author={Kashaev, N., Fomin, F., Ventzke, V., Riekehr, S., Burkhardt, I., Enz, J., Klusemann, B.}, title={Laser processing of Ti-6Al-4V: Material defects, fatigue properties and fatigue life extension approaches}, year={2018}, howpublished = {conference lecture (invited): Beijing (VRC);}, note = {Kashaev, N.; Fomin, F.; Ventzke, V.; Riekehr, S.; Burkhardt, I.; Enz, J.; Klusemann, B.: Laser processing of Ti-6Al-4V: Material defects, fatigue properties and fatigue life extension approaches. SPIE/COS Photonics Asia. Beijing (VRC), 2018.}}