@misc{panglisch_materialauswahlbox_zur_2019, author={Panglisch, S., Shalmani, A.K., Weber, M., Gronwald, O., Berg, P., Heijnen, M., Krug, M., Koti, M., Nahrstedt, A., Abetz, V., Handge, U.A., Gruenig, L., Ulbricht, M., Stratmann, I.}, title={Material‐Auswahlbox zur Herstellung fortgeschrittener Polymermembranen für die Wasseraufbereitung : Material Selection Box for the Production of Advanced Polymer Membranes for Water Treatment}, year={2019}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201900038}, abstract = {Within the framework of the MABMEM research project, new high‐performance membranes are being developed for sustainable water management. The performance of the membranes will be evaluated in comparative and standardized fouling tests as well as in terms of the removal of trace impurities on a laboratory scale. Seven candidates are currently being tested in demonstrator trials with real‐water matrix in a waterworks for the direct treatment of dam water without prior coagulation over a period of 6 months. Subsequently, the new membrane materials will be operated with the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201900038} (DOI). Panglisch, S.; Shalmani, A.; Weber, M.; Gronwald, O.; Berg, P.; Heijnen, M.; Krug, M.; Koti, M.; Nahrstedt, A.; Abetz, V.; Handge, U.; Gruenig, L.; Ulbricht, M.; Stratmann, I.: Material‐Auswahlbox zur Herstellung fortgeschrittener Polymermembranen für die Wasseraufbereitung : Material Selection Box for the Production of Advanced Polymer Membranes for Water Treatment. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik. 2019. vol. 91, no. 8, 1162-1167. DOI: 10.1002/cite.201900038}}