@misc{braune_thrombogenicity_testing_2017, author={Braune, S., Sperling, C., Maitz, M., Steinseifer, U., Clauser, J., Hiebl, B., Krajewski, S., Wendel, H., Jung, F.}, title={Thrombogenicity testing of polymers: round-robin study to assess inter-center variability}, year={2017}, howpublished = {conference lecture (invited): Clemson (USA);}, note = {Braune, S.; Sperling, C.; Maitz, M.; Steinseifer, U.; Clauser, J.; Hiebl, B.; Krajewski, S.; Wendel, H.; Jung, F.: Thrombogenicity testing of polymers: round-robin study to assess inter-center variability. Conference on Blood-Biomaterial Interactions - Bloodsurf 2017. Clemson (USA), 2017.}}